Resolve to Learn How to Play a Musical Instrument in 2019

music instruments

Studying a musical instrument has amazing benefits on your brain, simultaneously engaging more regions than many other intellectual activities.
The latest scientists' findings show that there are “explosions” of cognitive processes occurring in the musicians` brains. Specialists have gathered evidence that, from a structural and functional point of view, musicians` cerebral regions are different from those of people who cannot play an instrument. The areas of the brain responsible for memory, hearing and motor skills become significantly more active when someone plays a musical instrument. Therefore, this preoccupation can improve many important skills in your daily life, bringing a series of expert-confirmed benefits:
·        Memory improvements
·        Training your perseverance
·        Improving your body coordination
·        Improving mathematical skills
·        Acquiring more skills that allow better awareness and understanding
·        Training your concentration
·        Releasing the stress
·        Improving your capacity to listen
·        Preventing premature aging
These are enough reasons to put learning to play an instrument on your list with resolutions for the New Year. Besides, the holiday season is a good moment to shop for used drum sets or musical instruments (look for new or second hand), not to mention that, by making your resolution public, you might just receive an instrument or some accessories as a present.

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